
All orders are custom packaged with special care to ensure the quality and safety of your purchase. All orders are shipped via United Parcel Service (“UPS”) or DHL. We offer complimentary shipping on orders over $500 shipped to destinations within the contiguous United States. Please email customerservice@ericameredith.com with any inquiries. For orders shipped to destinations outside the United States, the shipping cost displayed at checkout does not include any duties, taxes, or other fees that may be assessed on the shipment, all of which are the customer’s responsibility. Kindly take any potential additional duties, taxes, or other fees into consideration when checking out orders with non-United States destinations on Ericameredith.com. Such duties, taxes or other fees will be the customer's responsibility. Erica Meredith is not responsible for any duties, taxes, or other fees that may be assessed on international shipments.

Product Lead Times

All of our pieces are handmade for you. While we aim to ship your order within the lead time stated on the product page, the actual time to ship your order may be shorter or longer depending on production capabilities and other conditions. If you wish to check on the status of your order, please do not hesitate to contact us at customerservice@ericameredith.com

Refunds and Exchanges

Erica Meredith products are made with care by our team and master artisans. We do not offer returns for refund. However, we would be pleased to arrange an exchange for products of same or similar value. To make a return for exchange, please email customerservice@ericameredith.com. Kindly note all returns for exchange must be made within 14 days of delivery of your original purchase. Items must be returned in their original, unworn condition, with original packaging. Exchanges will only be accepted if it has been accepted by customer service. Please note that an exchange will not be accepted without the form sent by customer service after acceptance of the exchange.

Customers are responsible for all additional shipping costs associated with the exchange of products. In the event of noncompliance, we reserve the right to deny the exchange and/or deduct a restocking or repair fee from any store credit or exchange. We do not accept refund returns of our pieces since they are made-to-order.

As a handmade-to-order brand system, we produce pieces only when receiving orders. In case a customer requests an order cancellation when we have already started working on their order or if their piece is already finished, a refund can be processed, but we will reserve the right to retain 25% of the total amount, as our team worked hours on your order, made especially for you.

Any pieces that are custom engraved are not eligible for exchange or refund.

Damage or Repairs

In the event you receive an item that you believe is damaged or defective, we require that you email customerservice@ericameredith.com within 48 hours of receiving the item and include your name, proof of purchase, a description of the issue, and photos of the item.

We reserve the right to deny any request for return, exchange, or repair.